Occasionally in my spare time I do market research to generate some extra cash. Every little helps right? I usually apply for the ones I like / am eligible for however this time a lady approached me: how would I like x amount of pounds and free clothes from a well known high street store? Er… yes please!
They swiftly sent me some vouchers asking me to go forth and spendeth. At a later date I would need to attend a focus group where we would need to do a show and tell on our purchases and talk about the brand.
So far so good.
I then learnt that the well known high street store was in fact Primark and had mixed feelings about it. On one hand I was happy as I knew the vouchers should go far there - but then on the other hand, I was a little disappointed. Primark isn’t one of my favourite stores. The crowds and queues just kill me.
Another kick in the proverbial balls was that I had been told to shop in the London Oxford Street store. The stuff of nightmares. The crowds, the queues… and not all that impressive stock wise considering it’s a flagship store.
So one Saturday morning, I got up at the crack of dawn, gritted my teeth and got my game face on. I was amazed at how expensive Primark seems to be getting. It’s not crazy expensive but it’s pricey for the quality you’re getting. I found it so hard to make my vouchers stretch. In the end I had to fork out a little bit of my own money just so I could afford my basket(!)
Here’s a sneak peek of my purchases:
I didn’t even stop to think about the bag. It was tan. It was fairisle. DONE.
The top I initially loved but am considering returning as I’m not sure about the keyhole neckline. Maybe I’ll do a bit of DIY and cut the neckline lower.
These stacked heels were an absolute bargain for a mere £18.
I got the royal blue ones but they also had some in burgundy. I tried them on and had quite the audience of women around me ooh-ing and ahh-ing. After being told numerous times that they looked incredible on me, I couldn’t ignore that voice in my head screaming “buy them!” any more. Those bad boys went back into my basket and that was that.
I must add that later after having paid at the tills, I did spot some of the aforementioned women clutching the very same pair of shoes and heading to the tills. It did make me laugh! I'm a terrible influence! ;)
The actual survey was fine. The last minute kick in the teeth was that they paid us in Primark vouchers rather than £££ :( I found that the heels and bag I purchased helped me get over this annoyance very quickly. Here they are in action:
Next time I’ll be heading to a far quieter branch me thinks!