Remember that ASOS 20% off code that expired a couple of weeks ago? Well, me being the complete sucker than I am, pounced on it like no one’s business. It’s too easy to shop online. Particularly when the website in question is ASOS. I managed to find some beauts but alas, the shoes I’d been stalking coveting for so long had sold out in my size. But life goes on, right? I placed an order regardless and received some absolute gems in the post:
Blue velvet playsuit with relaxed ‘legs’ so when worn, looks more like a dress.
Way too big (oh the joys of sale stock…) but it was too beautiful to send back.
The most versatile of dresses. Perfect for dates, nights out in general and
a day at the office. Elegant and a decent length skirt for once
(not looking at anyone in particular… *coughs* Topshop *coughs*).
Stockings. Amazingly toasty and look so cute teamed with a short skirt.
But I couldn’t get those damn shoes out of my head. I checked back most days and was all set to give up when yesterday, the miracle of all miracles happened - my size back in stock. Without thinking, those bad boys were in my basket. Officially my smallest (and cheapest!) ASOS order ever.
Hopefully they’ll be the perfect substitute for my black Primark courts which stretched with wear and alas, won’t stay on my feet any more. Being ASOS, I expect the quality to be tons better and fingers crossed, they’ll actually last. Plus they have a wedge rather than a heel – satisfying my love of wedges (both potato and otherwise!)