
Friday 2 March 2012

If you don’t ask, you don’t get

I don’t often look at Topshop’s buy now or regret later rack as nothing usually catches my eye, but one more recently, it was calling my name. And joy behold, I found this top and dress: 

The dress is actually a lovely cream sort of colour 
(not sure why it photographs as yellow!)

I raced to the changing rooms to try them on – because standing in the Topshop Oxford Circus returns queue is never fun(!) and I wanted to be 100% certain before purchasing.

I didn’t think the dress would look anywhere near as nice on me as it did on fellow blogger Kathy who rocked it, but it in fact looked much better on than on the hanger. 

As for the top? It was a little baggier than I'd usually go for, but so comfy.

All very promising so far. Then I discovered The Faults. I notice some black smudges on the top and quite a few gems missing and also hanging off of the dress.

What do you do in times like these? 
Would this be a deal breaker for you?

Upon inspection, the price tags had been removed from both items and there was no indication whether they had been reduced or not.

Worth queuing for or not?

I loved both items so much that I decided to chance it – asking for a cheeky discount at the till. Because you never know. If you don’t ask, you don’t get!

I met the loveliest of ladies at the till, and am still to this day amazed about how much I paid for both items. She reduced the top down from £38 to… wait for it… £18! The smudges aren’t even that noticeable and if they don’t wash out, I can tuck the top into skirts and shorts and hide the worst of it. In fact, that’s probably how I’ll style it anyway! And the shocker of all shockers… I paid a mere £18 for the dress which was originally… £60! A £42 whopper of a discount!

So my advice:

Never feel pressured to pay full price for clothing that simply isn’t up to scratch. It’s always worth asking and you are well in your rights to receive a discount at times like these.


  1. Nice work! And great advice. I have done this before and it's lead to some amazing deals. I remember getting a coat a few years ago for like, 1/2 price because one of the buttons was missing (along with the replacement). That's an easy fix and a great bargain.

  2. the dress is really pretty and you got yourself a great bargain! i don't think i've ever had anything reduced because of a flaw before x

  3. Love the top and of course the dress ;) that is such a good reduction, can't wait to see your outfit photos! xx

  4. So pretty! Those dresses are seriously BEYOND lovely.

    PS. We've a Giveaway to Number A on our blog! Check it out! :)

    ox from NYC!


  5. I love the yellow dress! x

  6. That's super good. I don't mind buying slightly damaged items if I get a discount cos i'm pretty handy with a needle and thread!

    It makes such a difference when shop assistants are nice like that. I had one that when I was buying something expensive told me about a 20% off discount in a magazine and then gave me another 20% off cos a couple of beads were missing.


  7. love the first dress (:


  8. What gorgeous bargains! I'm always way too much of a wimp to ask for discounts, I can just about pull out my student card. It's so silly! xxx


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