
Sunday 5 August 2012

Whatever will be will be

I don’t often wear bracelets but the example pictured below may just convert me.

I call this bracelet my “happy accident”. I didn’t originally see it, exclaim: “it must be mine” and hastily add to my basket. In truth it was more of a case of: “do I pay £4 for delivery or do I pay X amount more to get free delivery?” It was a no brainer. Ironically, I hated my order when it arrived. It was one of those unlucky times when nothing fits you like you hoped. Hooray for this bangle – the one thing I really didn’t care about. It’s dainty, it’s delicate and it reads: “c’est la vie – whatever will be will be”. It’s a shame that they couldn’t have replaced the last part with “que sera sera” to keep it constant (and surely that’s less letters anyway?!)

This bangle represents how I want to live my life going forward. 

Live for the moment, don’t sweat the small stuff and when la merde happens, shrug it off - this gesture alone is very French - and say: C'est la vie.

If like me you have magpie tendencies and would like one for yourself, head on over to the Urban Outfitters website where you can find them here.


  1. Love the bracelet. I noticed the other day that they do rings like that as well.


    1. Oh do they? I'll be sure to be on the look out. Love anything like this! x x

  2. These are so classic yet they have a fun twist to them, no wonder you love them (:

    1. I've seen a similar style of jewellery else where. They had cute sayings like: "dance like no one's watching" x x

  3. This is lovely and I like your nails :) xo

  4. That is a really pretty bracelet :) Also thank you for following my new blog!

  5. that bracelet, what a perfect quote xx

    new giveaway!

  6. lovely bracelet!


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