
Monday 15 October 2012

Style inspiration... Zooey Deschanel

I've only just got around to finishing series one of New Girl (shameful I know) and I have to say: it's rib achingly funny. I got told that I was a lot like Jess and I was intrigued. So I watched the first couple of episodes and yes, she is hilarious and quirky, but at the same time I found her to be border line psychotic. Nice to know what people think of me(!) But as you delve into the series a little bit more, Jess does seem to tone it down. Despite her sporadic moments of craziness, you can't help but adore Jess.

As well as being part of a ridiculously funny series, Zooey Deschanel is a major style inspiration for women everywhere. I find myself now wanting to cut in a fringe / bangs, dress up a la Jess and swap my glasses for thicker geek chic frames. Her character Jess has a seriously enviable collection of shirts, skirts and dresses:

And whether you need a reminder of how fabulous a series this is, or are a complete New Girl virgin, please find some of my favourite quotes and moments so far below:

I'm about to get my teeth into the second series and I can barely contain my excitement - Nick style.


  1. the pictures are very nice *_* your blog is very lovely and interesting. maybe follow? im glad if you visit my blog, too <3 keep in touch!


  2. Thank you :) You have a lovely blog and an amazing set of contact lenses! x x

  3. I like your blog :) I'm new follower =]

  4. zooey deschannel is one of my favourite style icons! She's got a geeky, quirky sense of style which i adore! xxx

    1. You're spot on! It is geek chic isn't it? At school I felt like the geeks were always looked down upon -- now geeks rule! x x

  5. Loved the post, I also addicted to Jess and new girl, I adore the way she acts like crazy singing anytime.

    1. Her singing is brilliant! She's such a cutie! Thanks for stopping by :) x x


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