
Sunday 16 December 2012

Barcelona - day five

No matter where in the world I am, I'm always interested in a good museum. When I read about CosmoCaixa (a science museum) in my guide book, it was a no brainer! It was ridiculously cheap, you could go in and out as much as you pleased (useful for lunch purposes) and it kept us occupied for most of the day.

One nice little surprise was an indoor rainforest complete with tropical fish:

There was a disgusting section on where all the bacteria on the underground is located!

And a section with a solid block of ice! With my body temperature, I made my mark:

Afterwards we walked around the port and found an aquarium

Their conveyor belt style bit through the shark tank was the highlight

I'd recommend the science museum over the aquarium though. It was tons cheaper and will keep you entertained for much longer. I did find a tube in the aquarium though that kept me amused for quite a while:

Around the port, there was an outstanding choice of restaurants. I picked out one that was a little more expensive than the others, but it was worth every single euro. This was PROPER paella. And the best sangria I'd ever had. You could taste that they'd used damn good red wine in it

En route back to the hotel, we noticed that the nearby fountains were actually ON and that there was some kind of show with lights and music and such.

I think the next pic sums up perfectly why I shouldn't drink:

Yes, I am conducting. I like to get involved.

Final instalment coming soon: Barcelona - day six!

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