
Sunday 16 December 2012

Barcelona - day four

Despite an early morning start, we queued for ages for the Sagrada Familia. Which in my guide book is described as "Barcelona's most famous construction site" because most of it still hasn't been built yet!

Everywhere you looked, there were the most incredible details:

Inside, it was nothing like I'd ever seen before:

The tour of the towers was not for the faint hearted. The staircases spiral endlessly and are very narrow. The views were amazing. I just had to suck it up and ignore my legs which had gone to jelly

Next stop was Gaudi's Park Guell. I'd recommend sensible shoes as the park occupies a vast amount of land. Oh and insect repellant. I was bitten within an inch of my life that day

My favourite bit had seating and lots of mismatched files forming the most curious mosaics:

Come evening, we decided to try Tapa Tapa as we'd heard lots of people recommend it. 

Honestly? A disappointment. Never again.

They took ages to bring out our paella. People that arrived (and ordered) well after us got theirs first. When I asked where it was, they were very short with us and told us matter-of-factly that paella takes a while to cook. I know this. I cook paella myself at home. It never takes THAT long though. And see the chicken skewers in the top right hand corner of the pic below?

.... these came out RAW. I cannot speak Spanish so I had to point to it and say "pink" in Spanish. The staff offered no apology, no discount on the meal, or anything. In fact they looked annoyed at us for pointing this out. They could've given us food poisoning FFS! The chicken was CREMATED in their oven and brought back out to us BLACK. So if you ever go to Barcelona, avoid Tapa Tapa at all costs. Rubbish customer service and no one wants the risk of food poisoning ruining their holiday

Coming soon: Barcelona - day four!


  1. To bad the food wasn't good. But the rest of the pics look amazing! I would love to visit Barcelona myself!


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