
Sunday 16 December 2012

Barcelona - day six

On day six, too much sugar was consumed over breakfast

We headed back to the market but sadly most of the stalls were closed. But I did spy some novelty sangria:

For lunch we discovered an awesome noodle bar where their cartons weren't just used for the food...

We filled up on noodles sitting on some steps in the town square

As it was the last full day in Barcelona, we had a bit of an easier one. We wandered around the port making the most of the sunshine. Because London can rarely offer such temperatures.

After a quick shower and clothes change back at the hotel, it was time for our last supper in Barcelona. We chose to go back to Pura Brasa (the restaurant from the first night) as when we went before their burgers looked EPIC. And let me tell you now.... they did not disappoint:

I'd never had a cheese burger where cheese is actually piped inside the meat before. Have you? The menu described the chips as "straw chips" and they weren't lying! They were the thinnest, tinniest chips I've ever seen! And so incredibly more ish. And for the last part of the evening? Played around with the manual settings on my camera for night time shots. GEEK.

Me saluting Barcelona. Standard.

So that's it. The concluding chapter to my Barcelona posts. I really hope you've enjoyed them. If you missed out any of the other days, you can find them all in my blog archive or below:

day 1  /  day 2  /  day 3  /  day 4  /  day 5


  1. I love these Barcelona posts! They're really making me *ahemhungryahem* want to go. :- )

    Xx. Emma @

  2. I've been loving these Barcelona posts! I want to go more than ever now and why do we not get burgers like that here? It looks and sounds sooo delish xxx


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