
Wednesday 12 December 2012

Barcelona - day two

Bonjour! I'm back from Paris and ready to continue on with my Barcelona posts :) On day two we grabbed breakfast from a local bakery and then headed to the St. Josep La Boqueria market which we'd heard so many good things about. It was really colourful, with fruit galore:

 ... and lots of very inviting looking food. It was difficult to decide what to eat!

 Whilst deciding, we snacked on prawn skewers

After finally deciding on some food, we took it all to a little town square nearby which had this intriguing metal sculpture. I have no idea what it was, but it made for some good artsy photos:

As it was swelteringly hot, we ate salad and fresh melon:

Afterwards, we found Barcelona cathedral 

Which has a garden - complete with orange trees and geese(!) - right in the centre of it

It was like no cathedral I'd ever seen before

The illuminations cast on the floor were beautiful

We made a well deserved pit stop for some freshly squeezed orange juice

And then made our way to a chocolate museum where even the tickets were chocolate

It was a really interesting museum as not only did you learn about the origins of chocolate, but they also had lots of sculptures made of the stuff. Including Barcelona's very own Sagrada Familia: 

They even had a little café where you could purchase hot chocolate

Unlike other hot chocolates, this had a very thick consistency. The Spaniards like it this way as they can dip things like churros into it. By the time it got to the table, the top had set so I had to crack it open with a spoon! A spoon is essential with this type of hot chocolate:

We made our way to the beach and port just as the sun was setting

We ate tapas - a meat feast of epic proportions - at one of the many food places near to the port and washed it all down with cava based sangria. Personally I still prefer a standard non-fizzy sangria

When they brought out the bill, they also brought out cake and shots for us. To this day, I still have no idea what drink this was but it smelt like detergent. And it didn't taste much better either. The cake was deliciously more ish. I some how managed to eat the lot... oops!

Coming soon: Barcelona - day three! 

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