
Monday 21 January 2013

The power of a blog. Discuss.

I sometimes think that we under-estimate the power of a blog. What we may see as our own materialistic ramblings with a sprinkling of outfit posts can be oh so much more. Blogs are having an increasing influence on High Street collections and the pages of fashion magazines. Items that bloggers feature can quickly become hot property and fly off the shelves like no one's business. We are not solely lusting over new clothing we think we need - we are also being inspired and shown different ways of styling our existing wardrobe staples. Your follower count is irrelevant - you can still inspire whether you are a big time blogger or a lesser known one like myself. There does seem to be a bit of a blogger "look" developing  Think Litas and Litas look-a-likes, disco pants, and rose gold jewellery. Blogs clearly have a great influence on deciding up-and-coming trends. But are they also turning us into an army of clones?

A question to all fellow bloggers: How do you feel knowing you've influenced someone to wear or buy something? 

Flattered? Or is it a little annoying? I imagine that for those of you on the negative side of the fence, you may see eye-to-eye with the aforementioned clone comment. But on the other hand, I guess it's probably quite touching if a stranger takes the time to contact you saying they like your style. 

Another thing to remember... no matter how popular the blog, bloggers are not celebrities. And most are certainly not living on a celebrity budget. Who are they? They are students / in full-time employment / struggling to make their cash last until the end of the month / fellow shopaholics... just like you and me. Their body type / complexion / hair more closely matching your own than that of air-brushed models you see in magazines. I find that blogger style is usually something that is very easy to relate to.

With this logic, it's hardly surprising that we are taking more and more inspiration from blogs and every day street style in lieu of high end fashion magazines and campaigns. With bloggers like you and me, blogger fashion is less "out there" and often a a great deal more practical for every day life. Those stacked Prada heels you saw in Vogue? Gorgeous, but hardly suitable for me to run for the train in each morning.

So where did this all stem from you ask?

Well, I realised the other day just how much I am influenced by other blogs. It was only the other week that one of my favourite bloggers Sarah featured the most exquisite piece of jewellery on her blog. My eyes lit up at the price (only £7.40.... no joke!) and fully aware that F21 do some amazing statement pieces, I promptly headed on over to their website to see what other necklaces they had on offer. In no time at all, the number of items in my basket started to multiple. In the end, I ordered a dress... a blouse....

..... and cheekily snapped up the necklace that Sarah featured. How could I not? It's too beautiful. 

And if you want any further evidence of the power of a blog, know this.... that necklace came in two different colours - plain or a peach sort of colour. The plain one that Sarah featured has sold out. The peach one has not. High praise indeed. Which leads me on nicely to my recent Miss Selfridge order....

Typical blogger basket much? Skater skirts being yet another blog regular. And the kimono? I'd been eyeing it up for ages but some how resisted temptation. Then I saw Lily rocking it and I was powerless to resist. 

I am weak. 


  1. Now I've seen that lovely blouse I'm heading off to the Forever 21 website!!!

    1. Haha, we are such terrible influences on each other!! :) x x

  2. Hello! I am just popping over to say thank you for always writing such kind comments on my posts. I also loved this post, so very true what you say. And i massively agree with the fact that i am much more inspired by bloggers simply because they dont always have all the cash etc to buy top to toe new looks (well unless your a big blogger and get lots of freebies!). What i like most is its realistic - you can see how a real person would wear it and what else you can mix it in with that you might already have.

    Bit of a rant - but i really enjoyed reading this xxxx

    1. Awww thanks Sally - your blog is one of my favourites on my blog roll, I'm always excited when I see you've written another post :)

      Thanks for your lovely comment - I agree when you say the realistic look is best. I also like it when bloggers re-style existing items in their wardrobe as lots of us can't afford to keep buying new things! x x

  3. Haha! I had no idea.. how freaky! :-) glad you liked it though.. can't beat a bit of F21! xxx

    1. Agreed! One of my mates pulled a face at me when she learnt I shop there - but I prefer F21 over Primark x x

  4. I have only just brought my first skater skirt *slaps wrist* I do love te necklace though, it's so pretty! I agree with you, bloggers are more real people and you can relate to them a lot more then the celebrities that are out there. Lovely post!


    1. Haha, you're well and truly on the blogger bandwagon now! ;) I love them but I'm tall so rarely can find one that is long enough! :S x x

  5. I feel flattered when I influence someone to buy something!



    Ps: I just started a running blog with my best friend. If you’re thinking about starting to run, may I invite you to our blog?

    1. Thanks for your comment, lovely! x x

      P.S your blogs are stunning - amazing photography on!

  6. You are so right! Reading blogs has s very negative effect on my bank balance. I love it though =) xx

    1. I know, right?! Every time I look at a blog, my purse cowers in a corner somewhere, haha! x x


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