
Monday 4 February 2013

Finding the perfect Valentine's Day card

As Valentine's Day is only a week and a bit away [insert look of horror or whoop of excitement here], I have quite a few Valentine's themed posts lined up. A couple of years ago I made my sentiments about Valentine's Day quite clearAnd last year, it seems I didn't post about Valentine's Day at all... which says a lot.

I feel like the day is taken far too seriously. It's just the same as any other day and if someone rocks your world, you should tell them this EVERY DAY - not just on one day of the year. To combat this seriousness, I have found some Valentine's Day cards which will (hopefully) make you crack up with laughter rather than feel nauseous:

Personally, I don't need anyone to spend their money on me. Although being sent flowers is always quite exciting... ;) Knowing that someone wants to spend time with you - and you alone - is a far lovelier thing.

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  1. I love the Lazy Oaf cards, hilarious!

    <a href=">Trying To Make Fetch Happen</a>

  2. I've never seen the lazy oaf cards before! They're brilliant!

    Rhiannon x

  3. I love the Lazy Oaf cards too, I've just checked out the website and I think I might go for the biscuit one for my boyfriend. Great post, thanks for this!! xx

  4. Haha those Lazy Oaf ones are hilair! xxx


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