Friday, 1 August 2014

New job, new wardrobe

As I revealed in my last post, I am moving to pastures anew and going forward will be working in the exciting world of radio. The dress code is meant to be pretty casual - so no big change to where I worked before. However the fact that it's a fresh start makes me want to start anew. So over the last week or so, I've been ordering a few pieces online to update my work wardrobe. Boohoo and Forever 21 have been absolute godsends for affordable fashion that won't have me out of pocket before I receive my first pay packet!

Berry long-line boyfriend blazer  //  Collared sweater  //  Scallop blazer  //   Long city shorts
Cold shoulder shift dress  //   Blazer with cuffs #1   //  Blazer with cuffs #2   //  White long-line boyfriend blazer

Forever 21

Red polka dot dress  //   Checked plaid dress  //  Shoulder bag & clutch set

You can never go wrong with a dress. Perfect for those days where you simply don't know what to wear. No worrying about matchy matchy trousers and the alike... just throw it on and be done. Can you tell I like collars? There's a bit of a theme going on here.... I spoke last time about my blazer epiphany and it hasn't stopped there. I added a few more to the collection including an exquisite berry long-line blazer, and a couple of simple black ones with cuffs (LOVE cuffs!) that will go with EVERYTHING. The scallop blazer caught my eye as it was a little bit different and such a statement piece. I needed a smarter looking bag and loved this one from Forever 21 as it reminded me a little of the Zara messenger bag - but for a fraction of the price. The city shorts were in the Boohoo sale and I oddly like them! They're a little more appropriate for the office than standard shorts and I'm dead set on making them work!