
Thursday 18 September 2014


The other night I took my sister on a last minute shopping trip before she heads back to uni. One shop that continues to impress me is Forever 21. Primark I feel is ever increasing in price, but the quality remains low. Forever 21 on the other hand always offers good value for money - the clothing lasts longer, it's better quality and I would argue that the prices are lower than Primark's nowadays. Thoughts? My sister managed to pick up a whole basketful of things ready for her return to uni and it came to just over £30! The Oxford Street F21 is massive - three floors worth! - so we spent a good few hours there. I didn't buy much, but I did pick up these beauts:

This top made me laugh and I grabbed it straight away because I am very particular with language. Bad spelling, bad grammar and comic sans font are all life's little annoyances.  I was an English teacher for a year so I can be excused right?! Although a small (the smallest size they do it in), this t-shirt is very over-sized... but it's such a comfy fit, I can turn a blind eye to that! It came as a set with these alphabet / typeface shorts which are good around-the-house-type-shorts. The sort of thing you can pull on if the postman rings the doorbell helluva early in the morning so you don't give him an eyeful!

This is me to a tee (pardon the pun!). I'm just not myself if I'm hungry... but I'm sure I'm not alone! :) This tee is actually part of a PJ set, however the shorts were missing on all of them for some reason. The shop couldn't find them either. In the end they gave me some money off of them because they obviously weren't a complete set! I don't mind though - I'm planning on using it as an everyday top anyway...

This top was one of the most expensive items I found that day... but for a mere £18, it's still nothing! The gold embroidery detail is gorgeous and - in my opinion - really calls for hair to tied up to show it off. I have a friend's birthday this weekend and think this'll look perfect with some heels and an up do.

Big love for this pyjama set with the tea cup shorts! I don't usually wear anything to bed - plus I'm a bit unsure of the colour pink - so I left these behind. I'd love a phone case or a purse in that print though!

Thanks for reading!

Sunday 14 September 2014

Movie night // Cadbury's Marvellous Mix-ups

Now autumn is drawing near, the nights are getting colder and the days are becoming shorter. It's the perfect time of year to stay in and hibernate. And by hibernate, I of course mean snack yourself silly and indulge in a movie night. My latest discovery has been two-fold: Cadbury's Marvellous Mix-Ups and the perfect heart shaped bowls to pour them into:

Elsewhere bowls like these can cost £5 a pop, however I was lucky enough to discover mine in the local pound store. I can imagine getting so much use out of these. Perfect for holding olives and other assorted snacks at dinner parties, popcorn for film nights and fresh fruit in the summer months.

Marvellous Mix-Ups come in different varieties - I believe there is a Maynards one? But I honed in on the Oreo one. And am such a convert, that I need to pick them up whenever I see them. Containing chocolate coated in a sugar shell (think mini eggs), chocolate buttons (milk and white), and mini Oreos, there's nothing not to like about them.

All that's left is to do is pick out a movie, prop up your pillows and get comfy. Hunk optional ;)

What's your idea of a good movie night?

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Kew Gardens // H&M dress

Sometimes things don't work out how you'd hoped. Whilst disappointment can be rife, we need to take a step back and remember that everything happens for a reason. Remember how gutted I was not to have made it to Kew Gardens that time? I was rewarded for my patience because when Kew Gardens: Take Two rolled around, it was an even sunnier day. And a right ol' scorcher. With no need for a jacket, and my legs free of tights prison, it could only mean one thing: it was officially summer.

The dress was a new addition to my wardrobe in May. Being a sleeveless shirt, the material is lightweight, making it the perfect summer dress. I like the fact that there are two breast pockets - shirts with just one pocket really mess with my OCD. Everything has to be symmetrical... right?! It's a great dress as it doesn't crease easily with everyday wear.

It was the perfect conditions for photography that day. Normally I edit my photos to add some warmth, but 95.9% of the above hasn't been touched. It just shows what good lighting can do. We had a lovely picnic by the lake and can't thank Tesco enough for our chorizo sandwiches. Best sandwich I've had in my life. A duck sat at our feet looking forlorn, but it was just too good a sandwich to share. It certainly made our bellies very happy and put a spring in our step for the rest of the day.

Have you ever been to Kew Gardens?

Monday 8 September 2014

Oreo pancakes

Like Oreos? Like pancakes? Then you'll love Oreo pancakes! Simple, fast and tasty, what's not to love? Feeling inspired by this YouTube video, we made it happen. The quantities were all rather vague - a "splash" of milk and a "taste" of baking powder - so it was a case of trial and error. But they didn't turn out too badly...

Although next time we'll be adding sugar, more baking powder and less milk to try and get them sweeter and a little fluffier. As per the recipe, we used six Oreos and it made roughly six mini Oreo pancake sandwiches and a couple of spares for "tasting" whilst we were waiting for the rest to cook ;)

So the idea with these is that you use crushed Oreos instead of flour like in a traditional pancake batter. You can make your own cream if you wish, but for a lazy Sunday morning, squirty cream was quick and ideal! If you make these yourself, don't forget to send me pics and Tweet me @Lucy_Angele using the hashtag #cookwithlucy - I'd love to see your creations!

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Angel by Thierry Mugler // #BewareofAngels campaign

Thanks to a recent collaboration with Angel by Thierry Mugler on their new #BewareOfAngels campaign, lately I've been thinking a lot about change. Which is apt in itself, as they are experiencing change with Georgia May Jagger as the new face of their campaign. As a model, Georgia May Jagger is no run-of-the-mill blonde. For me she is rocky and edgy and promotes a new type of femininity, proving that the Angel woman is multi-faceted. Angel going through this sort of metamorphosis made me think about my own metamorphosis over the years, and that of women in general. I thought it'd be an interesting concept to write about, so this is why I wanted to try blogging about something a little bit different this time.

When you compare the present day to x amount of years ago, nowadays there are definitely more opportunities open to women. I can't imagine living in my Great Grandma's era where women didn't have the right to vote, had no career prospects other than "housewife", couldn't wear trousers, and had to keep legs covered up at all times. Despite there being so much change already, there's still a long way to go. We are still a voice waiting to be heard. Whether in the work place, blogosphere or society in general. As a woman, it's safe to say we expect to be treated fairly, and to be shown the same level of respect as men. But life doesn't always work out that way.

The two things that have helped me grow over the years have been my professional life and my love life. Both of which have felt like good ideas at the time, but have resulted in disappointment, feeling let down, and months wasted. A classic case of me ignoring my gut feelings. If it doesn't feel right - be it work or a budding romance - GET OUT.

How have I changed as a woman? I am a lot more confident now. I know my rights and what I deserve. I refuse to be ashamed of what I rightfully deserve - whether it be a promotion at work or having a caring, loving man in my life. For the longest time I didn't feel worthy of a pay rise at work. I just did what I had to do because it was "part of the job". Then my eyes were opened. I realised that no one else was putting in the hours that I did. The early mornings, the late finishes and lunch breaks cut short, barely getting up from my desk all day long - even for toilet breaks. Terrible. I was working damn hard and getting nothing in return. After many years of loyal service, I decided to speak up and ask for the pay rise I was more than entitled to. And I got it. It wasn't an amazing pay jump, but it was something. And it was something that I may never have experienced if I hadn't had the courage to speak up.

My ex place of work continued to treat its staff questionably, so I knew I had to get out. But just like a doomed relationship, it was hard to get out. Having not had an interview for years, I had no idea what to wear. I've never been the girliest of girls, but for me, feeling feminine is all about feeling comfortable in my own skin. And a big part of that is how I present myself. A well fitting dress, the perfect pair of shoes and a spritz of invigorating perfume like Thierry Mugler's Angel really awakens my senses and changes the way I carry myself. And it must have showed, because I was offered the job straight away. With a 50% pay rise and the opportunity to leave a company that never gave me enough credit, my metamorphosis was under way. A metamorphosis that affected me both inside and out. Nowadays I am a lot more confident in my appearance and in myself, and I am the happiest I have been in a long time.

It really goes to show how something as little as a splash of perfume can transform you. That shy wallflower can now walk with her head held high, with a knowing smile and a new found confidence. But it can also transfer you to a different time and place. The sweet notes of fruit, honey and vanilla,  reminding me of balmy summer nights in his arms. Or else helping me reminisce about the good old days of my childhood. The perfect scent is invigorating, giving me an appetite for life, telling me go out there and seize the day. Carpe Diem indeed... Say yes to life. The world is your oyster. Live for every moment.

I am now a stronger woman. A woman that has taken control of her own life. But at the same time, a free spirit - someone who is playful and doesn't take life too seriously. Which is exactly what I think an Angel woman evokes. In my own personal metamorphosis I have become a version of myself that I never thought was possible. Strong, independent women continue to inspire me. Women that can speak up for themselves, whose actions aren't dictated by men, and carve their own path without following anyone else.

So my message to all women out there: don't let anyone put you down and make you feel inferior. No matter if in a work capacity, or romantically. Surround yourself with the people you love. Know who you can trust. And walk away from people and situations that bring you nothing but negativity. You deserve so much more.

What changes in your life have made you a stronger person?

** This post is in collaboration with Thierry Mugler for their new #BewareOfAngels campaign. Although gifted an Angel gift set, all words and opinions are my own **