
Tuesday 11 August 2015

At Home in a Dolls' House exhibition // Museum of Childhood

Remember how I mentioned a little while ago that I'd been to see the Alice in Wonderland exhibition at the Museum of Childhood? Well, whilst I was there, there was another exhibition: At Home in a Dolls' House. But let's get one thing straight: you don't need to have children nor do you need to have owned a dolls house to find it interesting. There were a few interactive parts to the exhibition which were probably aimed more at children... but I like to get involved ;) By the end of it all, I felt like I was in a doll's house of my own!

Whilst we were there we checked out the rest of the museum which I can't recommend highly enough. The amount of nostalgia you will feel is incredible. I found so many toys and games from nursery and primary school that I'd completely forgotten about until I recognised the boxing / packaging!

At Home in a Dolls' House is an ongoing exhibition which runs until September [exhibition now closed]. This exhibition, The Alice Look and the museum itself all have free entry - perfect for keeping your children (and big kids like me!) occupied during the holidays but won't hurt the bank either! You can find opening times and more information here

Have you ever been to the Museum of Childhood?


  1. Ooooo I would love to go there, i love dolls houses =]

  2. This is so cool! I used to have one of those old fashioned dolls houses when I was younger, I loved it so much x

    Josie’s Journal


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