
Thursday 28 January 2016

#MyTravelMemory with Celebrity Cruises

For me personally, there’s no such thing as a bad holiday. So when looking back and reminiscing, it’s difficult to pinpoint the best of the best. But if I had to choose just one, it’d be Gran Canaria back in 2014.

To give you some background, 2014 didn’t have the best of starts. It started with a cancer scare. I’m usually so happy-go-lucky, and after such a shocking and nasty experience, life suddenly became all the more precious.

I love a city break as much as the next person, but a few months later after being given the all clear, I needed a holiday that was slower paced – to relax, and at the same time celebrate me getting past the big c.

I went with my then boyfriend and we ate wonderful food, drank wonderful wine, swam, lounged around by the pool, travelled to nearby towns, and went on long walks. There were laughs aplenty which was just the medicine I needed. Especially that one time we walked and found the most perfect, serene beach which was virtually empty of people. We couldn’t understand it. Then we came across a whole mass of people – all OAPs and naked – and suddenly understood why people avoided walking that far along the beach! Still to this day, I can’t erase the memory of an old and very naked man bending over to get something from his cool box… We walked further along the beach and were so glad we did, as here the sea was the bluest blue and we came across some sand dunes, the views from the tops of which were out of this world.

Although it wasn’t Italy, we embraced dolce far niente (the sweet beauty of doing f all). We had no set plans, just relaxing, treating ourselves and doing whatever we wanted. It was the trip that revived me and gave me my vim back. I’d never felt so alive as I did that particular week. And for that very reason, Gran Canaria will also be one of my fondest memories.

You can read more on my trip to Gran Canaria here

I now invite you guys to join in and reminisce with me! What travel memory do you hold most dear? Please share your blog post links in the comments below as I'd love to read all about your travel memories! #MyTravelMemory

The above is my entry for Celebrity Cruises latest competition where bloggers are invited to write about their favourite holiday memories in order to win a 7 night cruise,  or runners up prizes of restaurant vouchers (both very much up my street!)

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