The way you can just look at each other knowingly and not have to say a thing
Every time you see him or her you're like
You can't help but smile when you think about them
You miss them when they're not with you
Every time your phone goes, there's the thought that it could be them
When it's not them you feel sad
Like really gutted
You need them in your bed at all times
You find yourself doing things / liking things that you usually wouldn't
You're all about texts first thing in the morning and last thing before bed when you're apart
When you're with them, you feel on the top of the world, and stupidly happy
You love them and their flaws. Even though some of them are a bit weird
But that's ok.
You still love them even though some of the things they cook leave little to be desired
Screw nights out, you just want a night in with them
And finally.... the last sign that you've caught the lovebug this Valentine's Day? If you can resist the temptation to scoff all of the below by yourself and actually share them with your loved one. Because that's true love right there.
I'm a chocolate doughnut sort of girl through and through, however the lovebug doughnut changed me - it's been the first non chocolate doughnut that I've really enjoyed! Because in the past I was that girl who sat empty handed, sans doughnut, with just a hot drink if the chocolate doughnuts had gone for whatever reason. But I am a changed woman. And I feel like this is just the beginning of my non-chocolate doughnut journey. Although saying that, I did have to pick up some of my absolute favourites, the Chocolate Dreamcakes. That gooey chocolate centre though!
Krispy Kreme doughnuts are priced at £15 for a box of twelve, otherwise you can buy individually from your local Krispy Kreme or supermarket (I find that Tesco usually has a Krispy Kreme stand!). Although I did see these doughnuts lately in the service station on the way to Bristol the other week. You can also order these online for click and collect.
- All gifs from except the texting / mobile one which is from
- Although Krispy Kreme very kindly provided me with a box of doughnuts to review, as ever all words and opinions are my own!

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