
Thursday 18 January 2018

25 things I am thankful for

This year was a bit of a funny year for Curiouser and Curiouser. I was MIA for most of the year, but even so, Curiouser and Curiouser still had an incredible journey. And with that, a review of this year and the things I was thankful for.

  • I first introduced you guys to our rescue kittens. I can't believe how small they were back then!

  • I tried Polish food for the first time thanks to Polish Village Bread. Pierogi are amazing!
  • I collaborated with Voucherbox who challenged me to try living on £2 a day. It was tough, but I manage to create some tasty and filling meals which can be found here. For everyone who participated in the challenge and wrote a blog post, Voucherbox donated £50 to the charity Zamcog to help feed, clothe and educate children in Zambia. It was amazing being able to support such a great cause.

March - July

  •  Pulsin very kindly sent me some brownies to review

  • I collaborated with Lyst which was a dream for me. At my previous job I was managing their advertising campaigns and fast forward a year, having the chance to actually write some content for Lyst... it was a huge honor and meant a lot to me.
  • I got my home interiors fix at Ideal Home and Grand Designs Live




Despite being out of action for the majority of the year, it was a year of incredible opportunities and experiences and I would like to thank everybody who reached out to me or worked with me. I am now free to take on more projects and I look forward to seeing what this year will bring. I want to travel more, meet new people, discover new restaurants and hotels, and discover new brands.

The biggest thank you has to go to everyone who reads this little space of mine and for your continued support (especially during my crazy long blogging break!). This year turned out to be a bit of a digital detox where I spent more time offline than I have ever done before. But that's ok. Being offline is good for the soul. It's important to experience things through your own eyes rather than through a camera lens and that's the balance I'm striving for this year. 

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