
Wednesday 18 April 2018

Interior goals at Granary Square Brasserie

True story, but I've always wanted to eat at Granary Square Brasserie. One day I fancied going somewhere special for dinner, and special it most certainly was.


After a warm welcome where front-of-house staff wished us a happy anniversary, took our coats and presented us with a ticket for the cloakroom, we were led into the most awe inspiring of rooms. We were sat on plush sofa seating in a cosy corner away from other diners which was deliciously private and apt for the purpose of the visit. So huge brownie points right from the offset!

And I won't lie, as soon as I sat down I was literally mouth agape for the first 10-15 minutes. What a beautiful restaurant. Decorated in my kind of style with dark inky blue walls, exposed brick archways and metallic details with a Gatsby-esque bar, I swooned good and hard. With the glow of candles placed on each table and the glow of the bar, it was ambient and felt serene and welcoming.


I'm really into fish at the moment, so I opted for a fishy starter and main course, paired with a refreshing white wine (the Chablis, La Chablisienne from Burgundy, France if you're asking).

I had the tuna carpaccio to start. I was a little surprised initially as it didn't look how I expected it to (I later learnt that the image I had seen on the website was in fact the seared tuna main course. But you live and you learn...) But all the same, it was a nice looking dish with intriguingly thin slithers of yellowfin tuna (how do they get it so thin?!) dressed with radish, very vibrantly coloured mayo and ponzu dressing. The menu details this as miso mayo, but due to the colouring and the slight kick of heat, I suspected it may have been wasabi mayo on the day that I visited.

My only slight criticism of the dish is that tuna is one of my favourites and I felt like the ponzu covered something that naturally tastes very beautiful. I couldn't taste the fact that it was tuna and to me, this could have been any fish (at times I suspected it was salmon). But that aside, it was a beautifully presented dish full of vibrant colours and wonderful Asian flavours.

For my main course I had swordfish with toasted fregola (a Sardinian pasta), red pepper, chimichurri and basil. I ordered a side of fries too which were crispy on the outside and wonderfully fluffy in the middle. However the grains on the plate (fregola) meant there was more than enough substance to the dish - so next time I probably wouldn't need the fries (although they were really good. so never say never!). The swordfish itself was melt-in-the-mouth and beautifully cooked and seasoned. The red pepper element of the dish was a creamy, smooth red pepper sauce which my mouth still waters about to this day. It was an extremely generous portion but no matter how full I got, I could easily have eaten more (that red pepper sauce though). Which is testament to how good a dish it really was.

Sadly I can't see the swordfish on the menu anymore, but I'm really hoping they bring this back for when I visit again in the future. However having said that, I'd be tempted to try their aromatic duck curry with lemongrass, roasted cashews and jasmine rice next time. Or their shrimp and avocado burger which sounds equally dreamy.

For dessert I ordered something that I have always wanted to try after watching Masterchef religiously for years. One of those chocolate spheres which melt away when you drizzle hot sauce tantalizingly over it. This iteration of a restaurant favourite was a melting chocolate bombe with vanilla ice cream, a honeycomb centre and hot salted caramel sauce. I really appreciated the extra attention to detail with the additional piece of chocolate wishing us a happy anniversary. It's personal little touches like these which mean a lot and encourage you to come back time and time again.


To summarise, Granary Square Brasseries has a nice feel about it and feels upmarket without the snobbery. We were well looked after and have no complaints about the service we received (massive respect to the guy who let me take pictures of the melting chocolate bombe dessert whilst he was pouring the hot salted caramel over it!). I was initially disappointed by the starters as there wasn't a great deal of choice for me personally, and I didn't feel all that inspired. But I have noticed that since my last visit they have added scallops to the menu (always a winner!), so I would have those next time. The main course and dessert helped to redeem things and they are what would bring me back. As would the amazing decor and feel to the place. See you soon GSB

Granary Square Brasserie
1 - 3 Stable Street 
Kings Cross

Located on a map here
Latest menu here

Reservations in advance are advised and you can reserve a table here

And for those wondering... the whole meal was paid for by myself. 
I just really loved the restaurant and wanted to share the love!

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